Sunday, July 17, 2011

BBC Update 7/17/11

Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest from the box!

Are you ready for the Mother of all Crossovers?!
We hope so!
The story of the crossover moves into phase 4- final inking!  Let the fun begin!  Time to ink a wrap around cover and complete 49 pages of this illustrated extravaganza! 
Take a gander at the proposed cover for the crossover.  We think it looks pretty cool.   
On top of this, the  book being off by an odd page count we have decided to throw in a supplement story as well for shits and giggles.
More to follow on this topic.


The piece I called "Reading to Run" is now currently at the framers right now.  Onward to the next commission on the agenda.  Hopefully this piece will be as good.  I think it will.


As the crossover is completed and the other art shows are going on, the creative edge of the box continues on.  "Humble Beginnings" and its follow up "All Tomorrow's Parties" are thumbnailed out and directly feed into the four color books on hand right now "The Rock Apes of Xandar."
  Now lately there have been Numberious images generated with Vega more in a fantasy setting..  A lot of the commissions have been theamed with heavy sword and sorcery.  If a lot of people didn't know it that subject is where I cut my teeth on.  A steady diet of Conan the Barbarian Magazines and reading as many Micheal Moorecock books as I. could get my hands on dealing with the Eternal Champion.
  Of course Buroughs influenced me a lot especially with covers the of Frazetta and Boris Vallejo of sword weilding John Carter.
  Action is where Johnny is going.  And things are going be interesting  as "WEIRD ATOMIC TALES" will enter with an alternate version of Johnny as Vega the Barbarian.  Also will be featured other sci fi stories that don't fit into the regular Vega Universe.  The Misguided parts 3 and 4.   Boy in the Bubble,  D.F.A.  At least that's what I got set up for a several books. 
  AND of course because it was a shared book to begin with Jason from NEOtrash Comix can use it as well. 


"ARITIC WOLF" is still undergoing development but rest assured that this cop of the undead will be scratched out for another year.


  Well this weekend marks the beginning of the 88 Strong show .  What I mean by this is the promoters of the show will be handing out 8"X8" wooden panels that will be handed out this weekend for the show  in late September.  Now as it turns out I may already engaged with another show this year in Seattle for the second Jet City Comic Show. 
  In October the same gentlemen of the 88 Strong will be hosting the BIG 100 show. 
  The BIG 100 last year turned out to be a very good show and I  don't see this year being any different. 

Busy time for the kid.     
And I am out of here.

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